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Kansas Traffic Cameras
Below is a list of cameras in Kansas. Select a camera to see it on our interactive map.
789-0024 I-135 at 37th Temp.
I-135 at 11th
I-135 at 13th
I-135 at 17th
I-135 at 21st
I-135 at 29th
I-135 at 2nd
I-135 at 47th
I-135 at 53rd
I-135 at 61st
I-135 at 9th
I-135 at Central
I-135 at Harry
I-135 at Hydraulic S
I-135 at I-235
I-135 at I-235 N
I-135 at K-15
I-135 at Lincoln
I-135 at MacArthur
I-135 at Pawnee
I-135 N of 45th St
I-135 NO I-235 N
I-135 NO K-96
I-235 at 21st
I-235 at 25th
I-235 at Broadway N
I-235 at Broadway S
I-235 at Central
I-235 at Central S
I-235 at EO Broadway N
I-235 at K-42
I-235 at K-96
I-235 at MacArthur
I-235 at Maple
I-235 at Meridian S
I-235 at Seneca N
I-235 at Seneca S
I-235 at US-54
I-235 at West St
I-235 at WO Broadway N
I-235 at Zoo
K-15 and 47TH ST.
K-15 and BUCKNER ST.
K-15 and MARKET ST.
K-15 and MEADOWLARK RD. and 71ST ST.
K-15 and MIXING YARD (55th Street)
K-15 and PATRIOT AVE. and 63RD ST.
K-254 at 45th and Hillside Tower
K-254 at I-135
K-254 E of Hydraulic Ave
K-254 W of 53rd
K-254 W of Webb
K-96 at 13th
K-96 at 21st
K-96 at Central
K-96 at Chisholm Creek
K-96 at Greenwich
K-96 at Hillside
K-96 at Hydraulic
K-96 at Meridian
K-96 at Oliver
K-96 at Rock
K-96 at US-54
K-96 at Webb
K-96 at West
K-96 at Woodlawn
K-96 North of US-54 N
K-96 North of US-54 S
US-54 at Airport E
US-54 at Airport W
US-54 at Armour
US-54 at Dugan
US-54 at Eastern
US-54 at Edgemoor
US-54 at Greenwich
US-54 at Hillside
US-54 at Hoover
US-54 at I-135 E
US-54 at I-135 W
US-54 at I-235
US-54 at Maize
US-54 at Oliver
US-54 at Seneca
US-54 at SW Blvd
US-54 at Sycamore
US-54 at Topeka
US-54 at Tyler
US-54 at Washington
US-54 at Webb Rd
US-54 at West St
US-54 at Wildcat Ln
US-54 at Woodlawn
US-54 at Zelta
US-54 East of 143rd
DMS_I-70 at Milford Exit 291
DMS_US-50 at Garden City EB
DMS_US-50 at Hutchinson EB
DMS_US-50 at Newton EB
DMS_US-54 at Greensburg WB
DMS_US-54 at Kingman WB
DMS_US-54 at Liberal WB
DMS_US-54 at Meade EB
DMS_US-54 at Pratt EB
I-135 at Centennial Road MM 91
I-135 at US-50 SB MM 30
I-135 north of McPherson
I-35 and Burlingame Road Exit 131
I-35 and K-130 Exit 141
I-35 and K-33 at Wellsville
I-35 and Ottawa Rest Stop
I-35 and US-59
I-35 at Beto Junction MM 151
I-35 at Emporia MM 135
I-70 at Abilene Exit 275
I-70 at Alma Exit 328
I-70 at Chapman Exit 286
I-70 at Colby Exit 53
I-70 at Deep Creek Road MM 315
I-70 at Ellis Exit 146
I-70 at Gage Blvd E
I-70 at Gage Blvd W
I-70 at Grainfield Exit 93
I-70 at Hays Exit 159
I-70 at I-135
I-70 at Junction City (Henry Dr.) Exit 301
I-70 at Junction City (J Hill Rd.) Exit 299
I-70 at K-18 (789-0054)
I-70 at Lincoln Hill MM 229
I-70 at Manhattan Exit 313
I-70 at Mingo Exit 62
I-70 at Oakley Exit 76
I-70 at Russell Exit 184
I-70 at Solomon Exit 266
I-70 at Topeka Gage and MacVicar Exit 358
I-70 at US- 77 Tower W
I-70 at US-77 Tower E
I-70 at Wakeeney Exit 127
I-70 at Walker Exit 172
I-70 at Wilson Exit 206
I-70 E of I-470 (789-0064)
I-70 east of Colby MM 57
I-70 east of Hays MM 160
I-70 east of Oakley MM 78
I-70 east of Russell MM 186
I-70 east of Wakeeney MM 129
I-70 east of Walker
I-70 east of Wanamaker
I-70 near Auburn Road Exit 353
I-70 WO Topeka Blvd (789-0065)
K-10 at Kasold Dr
K-10 at Wakarusa
K-10 East of Clinton Pkwy
K-10 east of Michigan St
K-10 North of Clinton Pkwy
US-166 at Galena MM 163.6
US-400 at Sycamore
US-400 EB W of K-99
US-400 N. of US-75
US-50 NB and Spruce and Garden City
US-54 at US-400 (Mullinville) WB MM 157
US-54 south of Liberal
US-69 at Hwy 400
US-69 at Kansas Crossing Casino
US-69 south of Pittsburg
US-75 and CR 150
US-75 and US 24
US-81 and U24
US-81 north of Belleville
Rural MST
I-70 at Goodland Exit 17
I-70 east of Goodland MM 22
I-70 east of Kanorado MM 5
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